Ended my 2months work stint at Bilcare.
Felt a slight tinge of nostalgia on the last day of week.
Thats only normal right.
It happens all the time.
But the place is so near.
I can still drop by as and when I'm free.
Plus I'll still see my fav colleagues at the simei coffeeshops during lunch!
Was really skeptical about the work environment when I went for the interview.
The fellow interviewee told me that its an indian established company.
There and then was when I realised what I was in for.
I had second thoughts.
Esp when my direct boss is also an indian.
In fact all the heads there are indians.
I'm not racist.
But I'm just not used to the idea.
And! I have to be wrapped from head to toe at the dept I was attached to.
Very 'leh chey' ones.
For my 1st month there, I was under the management rep head.
By the way, its a pharmaceutical packaging company I was working at.
Basically my boss is doing like a one-man show.
He does everything.
So I was there to assist him.
He turned out to be a pretty funny and very easy going man behind the intimidating facade.
He gave me ALOT of freedom when it comes to work.
Always telling me to take my time to do the work.
And he even stayed back to finish work that I couldn't complete in time.
Also he's not in his office like 3/4 of the time so I always finish what I have on hand and pop over to the quality assurance lab to help out.
I really love it at the lab.
I learnt so much.
Like doing gsm coating, testing for tensile strength, thermo forming blah.
Ok nobody probably understands what I'm talking about here.
Its very specialised lab work anyway.
So yah I felt so much like some scientist esp so, donned in that CLEAN suit.
But what makes everything so enjoyable is undoubtedly the great colleagues there.
They're very giving people and they shared and taught me alot.
The lab is our cosy shelter where we joke and laugh and gossip and ramble our daily thoughts.
The people there are like my family at work.
At the end of 1month, my boss told me I could go.
Cos I've finished whatever work he has for me.
That totally came as a shock.
I was prepared to work for 2 months and he told to leave?!?
However after discussing with the other heads of depts.
They had me transferred to the supply chain mgt dept when they needed admin support.
The scm dept was totally diff from the lab.
One, I didnt have to wear the clean suits anymore.
Which is a gd and bad thing.
Cos i was alr so used to 'hiding' in the lab coat.
I didnt bother dressing for work.
I just wear tee shirts and jeans everyday.
Suddenly i felt so EXPOSED.
Like i had to pay more attention to my attire.
After the initial few days of awkward silence at the new place.
I very quickly warmed up to the new colleagues there.
Hit it off very well with Charmaine.
Prob cos we're both 1985s! =)
She's the only lady at the dept.
You should know what happens when 2 ladies get tog.
Endless gossips girly talks and fun.
We always combine powers to bully the guys namely our superior.
She's always spraying air refreshener at all those SMELLY guys.
And we'll msn each other thou she just sits less than a metre away and talk abt any juicy secrets that we dont want the guys to hear.
And how we always go for lunch and dabao all the sinful snacks for teatime!
Work became so much fun with a fellow girlie like her.
My superior is also a very easy going chap.
He doesnt give me much work and sometimes i feel totally worthless at work.
Like 3/4 of the time I was msning,shopping or surfing net at work.
Ocassionally turning over to ask if he has anything for me to do.
And he'll always go "hmm...wait a while".
The guys at the scm dept talk so much nonsense.
My gawd. GUYS.
But really kinda funny and entertaining to hear sometimes.
All in all.
The working experience was mostly pleasant.
The unpleasant bit being those saga with the hr dept and some pipsqueaks here and there in the other depts.
During the 2 months there i attended a fellow colleagues wedding and went on the company trip.
Pretty not bad.
And also the kinda work experience at the lab and the scm dept are areas I would have never thought of venturing into.
I gotta say it was indeed fulfilling =)
Thats the clean suit. Alright yes...Laugh people laugh.
