City Venture (9-10 Nov)
My school's version of amazing race.
Just minutes into the race and I've already started lamenting on how I got myself into this act.
I so felt like pulling out and just head home.
Like when was the last thing I did such VIGOROUS physically demanding activity.
I seriously thought we could have do with some warm up.
All geared in my tortoise shell and not so comfy sneakers.
I really regretted bringing all the nonsense.
I actually packed like AROMATHERAPY OIL PILLOW and whatnot in my backpack!
I must be mad.
We were scrambling like mad animals on the roads from bus stops to stations.
And it doesnt help when we have a hardcore group leader who pias like he's all set to clinch the top position.
There is no STOPPING.
They run up the stairs instead of using the escalators!!!!!
I wanna cry!
As much as I don't wanna run I still gotta drag my feet.
Cos it really feels like sheet to be the ones bringing the group down.
I think ann and I felt it STRONGLY.
But our guys are really accomodating and nice.
They never once complained or pulled any faces.
Not sure if they're secretly cursing us thou.
And they'll try to slow down or wait up ahead for us.
THUMBS UP for the 3 musketeers!
We prevailed thru perserverance and eventually EMERGED
16th position out of 20 teams!!!
WAHAHAH. What a consolation.
And our team leader says "not too bad lah"!
He even thanked Bell and I.
Like what have we contributed?!?
It just made us felt even more guilty.
Anyhow 3 cheers for TEAM SUNSHINE!

looking all radiant & cheery before the start of the race! we love the KALIPOKs!
the 3 powerful musketeers!

tomas stuffing the food at the pit stop

cedric happy to enjoy his cheng teng

our grp leader edmund! competing with the other team.

look at what ANN and I were doing? what we do best --- cam whoring! (when the guys were sloggin it out)

clue to our final pit stop for the food theme: China Square Don's Pie

yea so I did contribute ABIT.

the guys having to EAT again!

the shopping theme. ann and i were desperately looking for this freaking "XIAO SHUO CHU ZU" shop in far east. we went round & round level 5.the guys called and asked what we were doing at level 5! cos the game masters clearly said "shops are to be found at level 2/3"!!!oh YAH HOR! crappp. we ran down to level 3 and was asking the shopowner where this shop is.
not knowing that we were already at the RIGHT SHOP! OMG. seriously.

the sleepover point: JJC. my macs dinner at 12am. I was all flushed after the crazy evening.

we are happy after a good bath! we had the towels draped over our shoulders the entire night because...! HAHA.
the guys having their puff time.

our 1st station early in the morning! stadium!

WHEE. we breezed thru the 1st challenge! its a gd start!

the sports theme were all in the EAST! yea our turf where we reign! feels gd to be on familiar grounds!

the pit stop at kembangan.

finally the first decent meal since the night before.
but this stupid fly totally killed my appetite!

this is how our 'passport' looks like.our final theme "fear factor"!

we had to bury our hands in the box full of these! ann and i were screaming non stop initially. but after a min into it, we got over the fear and started to pick up the worms and throw at our game masters namely Mr Jerome!

we had to make edmund Mr Santa out of the scraps. this was at the taka forum.
we hadda get kisses from passers by of different races. Ann got a cutee indian boy!
and this cute angmoh! lucky girl lah!
edmund and the cute indian boy's mom! (i have no idea why i was so tickled)
I picked the MALAY card.picture was blurred for obvious reasons. HAHA.

our final destination at esplanade. us still attempting to camwhore despite the SHAGGEDness. we really look washed out.

Though we complained sooo much.
But never regretted going on the race.
Like I felt like a STUDENT all over again :)
Kicking up a ruckus in shopping malls, eating disgusting concoctions of drinks and food, doing embarrassing acts in public and camp in school where we bathe in guys toilets!
When was the last time we pulled off such crazy stunts?
This is probably one of the last few 'students' moments' we get to indulge in.
After this we're all gonna graduate and its HELLO workforce.
No more excuses for adolescent acts.
And whats left are reminiscence of such good ol' fun then.
I don't wanna grow up.