The festive season is here again!
Time to make merry and pig out!
There were 3 parties this year!
The 'High School Musical' themed party at sharon's new place.
I thought everyone was gonna go all HIGH SCHOOL.
But turned out only like 3 of us really dressed to the theme can.
I somemore was quite kan cheong about the costume part.
Like I thought there will be some forfeit if you dont dress up!
I actually managed to find this skirt I had in pri sch.
It was so tight can I had to wear high high up my waist.
My grp won the games! Whee.
We got like manymany packs of super rings and twisties! WAHAHA.

check out the pretty chandelier! very victorian.

the 3 high school kids!

On Xmas eve, had the usual home party at 245.
Major pigging out.
I was one of the earliest.
So attacked the sausages and ham before the buffet was ready and before everyone else came!
I think I easily like gobbled about 1/4 of the chunk of big fat ham.
I just kept poking on the ham as my uncle sliced them.
Ok whatever right.
Stuffing ourselves silly with rounds and rounds of the food.
Actually maybe it was only me and julia? HA.
The comes cam-whoring.
Meddled with the colours function.
So we were spotting different hair colours! Ha. Cheap thrill.
Was a tad quiet cos we were missing quite a few of them.
The SOON brothers were not there and we were waiting for kexin and family to fly back from taiwan to join us.
I think its like that.
The boys are in their teenage now.
Where they start to hang out with friends more rather than show up at family parties.
And us who are already in our early adulthood are actually getting more pro active.
I was helping to arrange the presents under the tree and jas was playing santa distributing the presents!
I even suggested playing fire sparklers!
Of cos nobody bothered about me.
They were showing the -__- looks on their faces.

honey baked ham! and sausages! yumms.

the new TALL tree! taller than me!

our presentsss!

juicy likes it pink!

I like it blonde!

jas looks really happy giving out the presents!

jo on the high

still very much the harry potter look alike!

goofing around

the girlsss (minus yizhen and kexin)

trying to act the young ones!

the senior LIMS sneaking a kiss from junior LIM. cute.

guess whose sexy legs!

we heart xmas!!!
We had the post xmas dinner over at shai's on boxing day.
Had a pleasant surprise when I saw Dennis there.
He was our sec 1 & 2 monitor, our old father william, our chicken.
I was reminded of those good old days.
He's still the same Dennis we knew.
Sweet =)
Most of us voted to do away with the exchange of gifts.
But chuan yang was sweeet to bring us presents from aussie.
It was like a lucky dip kinda thing and we were supposed to 'snatch/bid' for the gifts.
He said he kept the best for me!
And indeed.
I was 'pleasantly appalled' when I first saw what it was.
Thanks CY! for giving me my 1st adult toy.
And I realised the thingy was gone when I got home.
I was so kan cheong I actually went downstairs to check if it was there at 3am in my PJS!!!
Maybe I secretly do like IT afterall.

weihao was plucking the turkey with his BARE hands.

but dennis loves him anyhow! woot!

i dont remember what we were laughing at.

tah glam sia!

check out her hat! i was totally amazed. it has blinking light!

the very self-high giver!

eliza did a gd job acting enthu!

totally trying to pretend I had nothing to do with IT!

I was coerced into using it! so wrong!

cheers to many more xmases tog!
Xmas, the time to give and share.
Be it presents or simply showering your closed ones with love and joy.
Its defintiely one of my favourite occasion.
Never fails to bring a warm fuzzy feeling.
Immersed in a state of euphoria.